Friday, July 10, 2009

Amazing What a Little Relaxation Can Do

This week we've been on vacation. Not the get in the car, drive several hours, do so much that you need a vacation from your vacation kind of vacation. Instead, this has been a vacation where we get out of bed when we wake up, we sit on the back porch sipping coffee and watching the cars hurry to wherever they are going, we laugh and play, we can be quiet and reflective, and generally, we can be thankful for the life we share together and grateful for the way God moves in our lives and in the lives of our churches.

After a couple of days, it became clear just how much this vacation was needed. I had begun to lose focus on the life of the church and how we can serve our community. I got caught up in the immediate, day to day operation of the church. But amazingly, prayer this week has been full of the voice of God. Little mustard seeds, creative ideas, future-oriented and big picture stuff that makes life in Mt. Healthy seem more exciting, more challenging, more about God, more about being followers of Jesus.

So, as I reflect on that, here's something for you: do you need a vacation? Ask yourself a couple of questions. What happens when you pray? Are you seeing the big picture? Are you "seeing visions and dreaming dreams" when you take time to listen for the voice of God in your life, in the church's life, in the community's life, in the world?

Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done. Genesis 2:3
In Christ,